Here’s a heart-warming story from an 86-year old man, who fully recovered (can’t say “cured”), using information from my report “Cancer Research Secrets”.

Dear Dr. Scott-Mumby, 

Just a note to let you know that I had 4th stage colon cancer (the upper region) with a tumor over 6 inches long and have now been declared “cancer free” by my oncologist, after a PET scan. 

The growth had spread to my duodenum, necessitating a 3-hour operation for its removal.  After the surgery I started one of the many options you suggested in your book of “Cancer Research Secrets”.  It apparently worked and, as forecast by you, I was declared cancer free by my oncologist (4 and 1/2 months after the ops), though he was not too happy about me going for the alternative route rather than his chemo. 

I am now on 4 drops once a week for a maintenance dosage.

I was a little surprised that I recovered (PET scan) in so little time too. I’ll be having a colonoscopy in about two months time and we will get a visual check then.   

Even with the best of results from a surgery (no lymph node positives anywhere near the operation zone) I still believe that the equipment (PET, C-Scan, or others) are limited in the size of cancer that can get the very best “look see” available and for this reason I am continuing the maintenance schedule of once each week 4 drops twice before bed time. 

My oncologist tried to be joyful in giving me the “news” of being cancer free, but I could tell he was not happy that it was not his chemo (he tried twice to get me to take this), which put me into the cancer free situation.  He didn’t want to even hear what I was using, but commented (“keep doing what you are doing”).

When I was on the operation table (3 hours) another surgeon who was working on another case near by was called in to look at me and seeing 4th stage cancer plus the spreading over to my duodenum said, “put in a by pass and sow him up and send him home.” 

Luckily for me my Doc had noted I was really younger than my 86 years and said to himself the extra time for the operation on the spreading could be handled physically by me. 

He had inserted into my nose and on to my duodenum a double hose for draining.  Coming out of my morphine after the ops I was not fully aware that this was placed so far into me (and its importance) and after three days having this hose hanging out of my nose and thinking it was probably only a few inches into my nose area, I pulled it out.  When I got to near two feet I started thinking maybe I should not have pulled it out!  My surgeon didn’t get mad, but told my nurses they better pray for me for I’ll need it pretty badly. Afterwards when I walked into his offices he called me “His Miracle Man.” 

Again thanks a lot Dr. Scott-Mumby for you invaluable help with which I wouldn’t even be here now!

I have gained 12 pounds and am holding steady at 147 lbs, plus I am feeling the best I have in over several years time, getting 5 to 7 hours sleep between trips to the bathroom, now against my earlier 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours sleep cycles pre-surgery.  My energy is slowly returning after 5 to 6 years having not much and tired mostly.  Now taking D-ribose (ATP for energy fuel to mitochondria) which made an immediate increase in energy.

I just wanted to say thank you so very much for your insights and your discussions of the numerous options to think about before making these kinds of decisions.  Again thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Neale Ensign, Melbourne, Florida.


Just a note to let you know that I had 4th stage colon cancer (the upper region) with a tumor over 6 inches long and have now been declared “cancer free” by my oncologist, after a PET scan. 

The growth had spread to my duodenum, necessitating a 3-hour operation for its removal.  After the surgery I started one of the many options you suggested in your book of “Cancer Research Secrets”.  It apparently worked and, as forecast by you, I was declared cancer free by my oncologist (4 and 1/2 months after the ops), though he was not too happy about me going for the alternative route rather than his chemo.

I just wanted to say thank you so very much for your insights and your discussions of the numerous options to think about before making these kinds of decisions.  Again thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Neale Ensign, Melbourne, Florida.
